sabato 22 novembre 2008

Nirvana - 1985 - Fecal Matter Demo (repost)

It's about the fist Nirvana's demo. The sound is not as good but it's a great piece of story.

01 - Sound of dentage
02 - Bambi slaughter
03 - Laminated effect
04 - Accusations
05 - Class of ´86
06 - Class of ´86 (Clip version)
07 - Boatakk (Clip version)
08 - Boatakk (Full version)
09 - Anexorcist
10 - Love my family (Unknown)
11 - Vaseline (Unknown)
12 - Spank thru
13 - Blathers Log (Clip version)
14 - Blathers Log
15 - Buffy´s pregnant
16 - Buffy´s pregnant
17 - Downer

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